Discover how to effectively use filters for Reviews on Localyser to refine your search and access specific reviews that align with your business needs.
Reviews' Filters for Effective Analysis
To effectively find and filter reviews on Localyser, you can utilize the following filters:
Search: This allows you to enter specific keywords or phrases to search for reviews that mention particular topics or aspects of your business, e.g. a new menu item name, service related keywords, most popular or least popular.
Rating: Filter reviews based on their assigned ratings, such as 1 to 5 stars, to focus on feedback within a specific range. You can select multiple star ratings at once.
Date Range: Specify a specific time frame by setting the "From" and "To" dates to view reviews within that period.
Locations: Narrow down the reviews by selecting one or more locations associated with your business.
Review Type: Choose the type of reviews you want to view, such as general reviews or delivery-specific reviews. e.g.Google is general, and any delivery application will be listed under delivery.
Review Site: Select specific review sites to filter reviews from platforms like Deliveroo, Facebook, Foursquare, Google, Opentable, ReserveOut, TripAdvisor, Yelp or any website your business is listed on. (if your business is listed on more websites please contact to add more listings)
Feedback: This filter allows you to only see the reviews coming from the Feedback tool. Not using the feedback tool yet? Learn more
Review Category (Premium): This filter is powered by AI (artificial intelligence), to help youFilter reviews based on specific categories, including Food, Delivery, Atmosphere, Service, and Price and view those categories in both a positive and negative sentiment,this filter is linked to the insights report, contact us to upgrade to premium.
Case Resolution: Filter reviews based on their current case resolution status, including In Progress, Resolved, or Closed.
Review Actions: Filter reviews based on their status, such as updated or deleted by the customer, where you can also view the history of that updated or delete review, (this filter is mainly for Google).
These filters provide you with a comprehensive set of options to refine your search and access the specific reviews that are most relevant to your needs.