
How to Filter my Reviews for Effective Analysis
Discover how to effectively use filters for Reviews on Localyser to refine your search and access specific reviews that align with your business needs.
How to Edit/Add Response Templates on Localyser
This article provides instructions on how to add, edit, and delete response templates on Localyser. You will learn how to add new templates, edit existing ones, adjust categories, and manage response languages
How to enable the Auto-Response Feature
In this article, you'll learn how to enable the auto-response feature for Google reviews without text (rating only)
Why can’t I reply to some reviews?
This article highlights the scenarios where responding to customer reviews may not be possible on Localyser. It explains the reasons why certain review sites may not allow responses and identifies instances where reviews cannot be responded to, such as reviews deleted by the customer or feedback reviews without a provided email address.
How to respond to Feedback reviews via email
This articles explains how you can respond to reviews collected from your Feedback Landing page (QR Code) using your client's email.
How to respond to all other reviews from TripAdvisor, Zomato, Yelp and
In this article, we highlight the easy process of responding to reviews from sites such as Zomato, TripAdvisor, Yelp, and more.
How to respond to Google & Facebook reviews
In this article, we detail the direct response feature that allows you to post your respond to Google and Facebook directly from your Localyser dashboard.