Overview Report Sections:
- Average Rating: This section displays the overall average rating of your business, along with the volume of reviews received within the selected date range. It also indicates the percentage change compared to the previous date range. On the right side, it shows the average rating broken down by different review sources.
- Volume of Reviews: Here, you can see the total number of reviews received, categorized by sentiment (positive, neutral, or negative). This section provides a comprehensive view of the sentiment distribution within the selected date range.
- Response: The Response section highlights your response rate to the reviews received during the selected date range. It also shows the average time taken to respond to these reviews, providing insights into your business's engagement with customers.
- Sentiment Analysis: This section presents a pie chart depicting the distribution of different sentiment categories (positive, neutral, or negative) based on the reviews received. It helps you gauge the overall sentiment of your customer interactions.
- Source of Reviews: Here, you'll find a pie chart showcasing the percentage of reviews received from different sources, such as review websites, social media platforms, or other channels. It provides an understanding of where your customers are leaving reviews.
- Top Performing Locations: This section ranks your top five locations based on their average rating. It helps identify the locations that excel in customer satisfaction and can serve as benchmarks for best practices.
- Low Performing Locations: Similar to the previous section, this section ranks your bottom five locations based on their average rating. It helps identify areas that may require attention and improvement.
- Most Improved Locations: This section highlights the five locations that have shown the most significant improvement in average rating compared to the previous date range. It recognizes locations that have successfully enhanced their customer experience.
- Locations Receiving Lowest Reviews: This section identifies the five locations that have received the lowest number of reviews. It can help identify underperforming locations that require increased customer feedback and engagement.
You can also export this report as an excel sheet or a PDF for further analysis or sharing with stakeholders.
To export the report, follow these steps:
- Locate the "Export" button next to the filters
- Click on the button, select Excel or PDF to initiate the export process.
- The generated file containing the report data will be added to your Download folder.