10 Example Questions for Gaining Customer Feedback
10 Example Questions for Gaining Customer Feedback
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May 24, 2022

Let’s be honest: No matter how much training you give your staff or how beautifully you decorate your space, there’s always a possibility that someone may have a bad experience in your restaurant—and the only way to find out why is through customer feedback.

But, just like with your restaurant, you need to artfully curate your customer feedback questions so that you’re getting the best and most efficient forms of information. Instead of asking for “general feedback,” which might leave you with a lengthy story about a date gone wrong, it’s highly effective to outline a few specific customer feedback questions to guide your customers.

Why is customer feedback important?

Your restaurant wouldn’t function without happy customers who keep coming back for more. This is why the customer experience is such a vital part of the restaurant industry, and the only way to find out how your customer experience is going is to get customer feedback.

To measure your customers’ satisfaction, which ultimately indicates the success of your restaurant, you need to analyze feedback from customers. The feedback you need will encompass everything from perceptions of the restaurant to individually specific service experiences, and each bit of information will enable you to make necessary changes.

Customer feedback is also important in the short term. If a single customer has a bad experience, you have a chance to rectify the situation by responding positively and helpfully to their feedback.

10 important customer feedback questions to ask

There are many ways to get customer feedback, like incorporating surveys into your Wi-Fi network or handing out physical feedback cards; whatever way you do it, you need to cover all your bases with the right questions. These 10 questions cover all the factors you’ll need feedback on, like service, ambiance, food, and cleanliness.

1. How was your overall experience at the restaurant?

This is the most important question for you to ask your customers because it encompasses the entire restaurant experience. Not only is it a simple question to answer, which means it won’t take up your customers’ time, but it will give you a general idea about customer satisfaction.

2. How did you find out about our restaurant?

This question won’t necessarily tell you anything about your customers’ experience, but it will tell you how they found out about your restaurant and how you can ensure the word gets out about your spot.

3. How likely are you to visit us again? Rate from 1 (Never) to 5 (Very Likely)

Getting quantifiable information is a great way to transform customer feedback into easy-to-use data. With numbers like this, you can graph or chart client satisfaction to get the bigger picture.

4. What did you enjoy most about your experience?

Positive feedback is just as important as negative feedback because it allows you to highlight and focus on your strengths.

5. Is there anything you would change about your experience?

Without directly asking about the cons of their experience, this question will allow you insight into things that you could improve.

6. Was the cleanliness of the restaurant to your standards?

It’s a no-brainer that your restaurant has to be clean and hygienic to meet industry standards, but you also need to make sure that your customers feel the space is clean and have no complaints.

7. How likely would you be to recommend this business to a friend? Rate from 1 (Unlikely) to 5 (Very Likely)

Not only will this question give you insight into your customers’ experience, but it will also tell you if they are likely to spread the word—and recommendations can be extremely valuable.

8. Who was your server? Did you face any issues with your service?

Finding out about the standard of your service will help you fix any gaps. Asking for specific server names will also help you identify who may need more training.

9. Are our hours convenient? Yes or No and Explain.

This question is extremely simple: It just shows you if your opening hours are convenient to customers or if they need to be changed.

10. How would you rate our food? Rate from 1 (Poor) to 5 (Excellent)

At the end of the day, no matter how good your decor or service is, patrons come to restaurants to get excellent food, so you need to ensure you’re putting out the best of the best.

How an online reputation management platform can help

Now you know exactly what kinds of questions to ask your customers, but how do you manage all the feedback? Localyser’s online reputation management platform helps you monitor your reviews and respond to customer feedback with a single click.

Our “set it and forget it” customer feedback forms are the easiest way to get feedback—you won’t have to worry about anything, and the information will just flow right to you.

Keen to find out what your customers think of your restaurant?  Book a demo with Localyser today or check out our website to find out more.

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