How to enable the Auto-Response Feature

In this article, you'll learn how to enable the auto-response feature for Google reviews without text (rating only)

Here's how the Auto-Response feature works:

  • To use Auto-Response feature, make sure you have access to the Premium Package on Localyser.
  • Go to Settings section and select "Response."
  • Locate the Auto-Response button next to Response Template title.
  • Click on the button to access Auto-Response settings.
  • Toggle the switch to turn Auto-Response feature on or off based on your preference.
  • Choose the desired language in which the responses will be generated.
  • Select the ratings for which you want Auto-Response feature to be applied.
  • You can choose specific ratings, such as positive, neutral, or negative.
  • Select OK when done.

By following these instructions, you can effectively use the Auto-Response feature on Localyser. Ensure you have the premium package subscription, access the settings, enable the feature, choose the desired language, and specify the preferred ratings for auto-generated responses.